
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day... Yay or Nay?

Sigh... the dreaded holiday of single and taken people alike: Valentine's Day.  Personally, as a perpetually single woman, the holiday has never really bothered me because it just didn't seem as important to me as other more important holidays in a relationship, such as anniversary dates.  And as this lovely heart filled holiday will soon be upon us yet again I wanted to take time to really examine if it is such a big deal as people seem to make it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

And We're Off

I find that a great start to mornings where I'm not scheduled to work bright and early is to hit the gym and get my daily dose of government recommended physical activity.  I've also noticed on days where I delay going to the gym until "later" in the day, oftentimes "later" never does come, so it's best to start the day with it. I'm a relative newbie to the gym world and, in these past few months of increasing my physical activity level, I've observed a variety of characters at the gym.  So, as I pump iron in the weight room or book it on the elliptical as I listen to my latest "MOVE IT" song on my workout playlist, I can't help but wonder about everyone around me. If you also go to the gym, you might have noticed the same characters as well and could very well describe them in more detail than me, but here it goes...

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Here it goes...

So this is my first adventure in the blogging world. I guess one could say I'm a little behind on what's what in the world, but that's their beef.  This is a way for me to post my musings, observations, and loves without actually connecting them to me. I'm a wandering dreamer embarking on daily adventures. I plan to document said adventures on this lovely blog and hope you find them as intriguing as I do.